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This is the logo I created for my blog and for my artistic creations. I knew I wanted to have a moon because that is the name of my blog and also my first name and I wanted to add a camera because I am in TV production and visual storytelling. After creating this logo, I've decided I really like the name Over The Moon for a production company or my creations and I am really happy with this logo and would love to trademark this and use it for my productions.

For our third project for ART 310, I had to create a silent film. I felt really in my element with this project because I was able to tune in to my BECA skills and produce a video. For my silent film I created a short Day in the Life video that features my day to day tasks such as getting ready and going to school. Unfortunately, this was a project that got pushed to the back burner and I wish I spent more time on it. Even though I was really excited for this project, I quickly became burnt out with assignments and didn't put as much time into it as I would have liked. Nevertheless, I am still happy with what I have and would love to dive deeper into this story I created.

For my silent film, I will film a mini-documentary of a day in my life. My storyboard shows scenes that are crucial to my day to day life. I will start with a shot of me waking up in bed and then will move to a scene of me in the bathroom doing a morning routine like brushing my teeth and washing my face. I’m excited for this project because video production is my area of emphasis within my major so I’m looking forward to getting creative with camera shots like the scene in the bathroom and close up shots of putting shoes on. I like the idea of a day in the life especially with a silent film because I think these mundane tasks like getting ready for the day, going to work, and driving a car are some things a lot of people can relate to. I plan to include really shorts clips of each of these things over a handful of days so the finished product is showing the same repeated day to day tasks over the course of a week. Since video production is my strong suit, thinking about the sound design of this project is stumping me. The idea I have so far is to unlink the audio tracks from the video tracks so I can mix and match the audio with different visual clips. My concern with this is that the audio will sound too incohesive. So this is definitely something I will be playing around with in Premiere. My Plan B is to do my own sound design with short music clips. I’m looking forward to this project and am excited to see the final project.

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